Just an fyi, I emailed Stephen Bates immediately after Hawk's first post.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
Just an fyi, I emailed Stephen Bates immediately after Hawk's first post.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
Hopefully this will be a shock to those dubs who have been saying "theres nothing wrong with the WTS' association with the beast". MAn, what will they say now??
I guess we've lost the ability to direct the dubs to the NGO directory, so at this point, the more we can get in writing, the better.
Again Hawk, thanks for all the hard work on this issue.
a day or so prior to gc.com shutting down, one of their members posted a warning that they had received an "apostate email", entitled "united nations".
the poster said that he had deleted it without reading it, (i guess they have esp over there) and warned others to do the same.
i believe that the poster also said that all gc members probably got such because they didn't use that particular address except for gc stuff.. i haven't seen a similar post on gc.net or wol thus far.. can i assume that someone here has already emailed everyone at gc and wol?
No problem at all. There's nothing for you to apologize for, and I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. I'm glad you made use of the letter.
My point in posting was just to explain again that this letter can be freely used by whomever wishes.
a day or so prior to gc.com shutting down, one of their members posted a warning that they had received an "apostate email", entitled "united nations".
the poster said that he had deleted it without reading it, (i guess they have esp over there) and warned others to do the same.
i believe that the poster also said that all gc members probably got such because they didn't use that particular address except for gc stuff.. i haven't seen a similar post on gc.net or wol thus far.. can i assume that someone here has already emailed everyone at gc and wol?
This is a letter I wrote to some JW family/friends when this issue first hit. I posted it to this board a couple weeks ago in response to a request. I said at that time anyone was free to use it, so please feel free to do so. I hope it helps.
It's also available here, as a Word document: http://www.randytv.com/docs/unitednations.htm
this was cut and pasted, because i don't think the post will last long over at wol.. how would you answer this newbie?.
torontonian .
To answer his question, yes he is missing something.
Since the founding days of the United Nations in San Francisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by drawing attention to issues, suggesting ideas and programmes, disseminating information and mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its Specialized Agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect. Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note that the portion regarding 'mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN' is simply a statement of what many NGOs have done, not a requirement.
The poster conveniently ignores the next sentence, which says "Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect."
He also ignored the sentence immediately following the lines he quoted, which says "they are expected to keep the DPI/NGO Section abreast of their activities by regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN".
He also did not mention:
"The Department of Public Information and NGOs cooperate regularly"
"NGOs associated with DPI disseminate information about the UN to their membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level"
"Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security"
Real nice straw-man,
having an earthly organization?.
it seems whenever you talk to someone about mistakes or failed prophecies that the society has made they always ask the question where else are you going to go?.
while i agree there has been a lot of good things the society has done i still don't understand why many choose to ignore the fact that by the society making numerous failed predictions they fulfill the scripture at luke 21:8. then theres also the scripture at deut.
You should spend some time researching here: http://www.freeminds.org/doctrine/doctrine.htm
I think you'll find a lot of the answers you are looking for.
Also, here's a link to a great article written by Tom Cabeen (former member of the headquarters staff in Brooklyn bethel) called "Does God Work Through An Organization?": http://www.disfellowshipped.com/does_god.htm
By the way, I attend a Baptist church, and we (including the senior pastor) use the names "Jehovah" and "Yahweh" often.
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
If you have Awake bound volumes or a recent WT CD, just flip through the Awake rags of the past few years. You'll easily find a bunch of examples of the WTS doing their part to promote the beast's agenda.
Probably the "best" example I've found so far is the Nov 22-98 Awake. Cover title is "Will their ever be Human Rights for all". The magazine is all about "human rights", quotes extensively from UN sources, lots of pictures (including a nice one of Kofi Annan). There is even an article on page six ("A view from the 29th floor") which is an interview with the Chief Human Rights commissioner for the UN. Its pretty blatant.
A couple other good ones:
Awake May 8-99 pg. 31
Awake July 22-99 pg. 3, 31
Awake June 22-99 pg. 15
Awake Jan 8-99 pg. 13
this is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved.
22 this righteousness from god comes through faith in jesus christ to all who believe.
there is no difference, .
As for Jesus telling the man he would be with him in paradise, keep in mind that the punctuation was added after translating. He could just have easily been saying "truly I tell you today, you will be with me..." I realize this is the JW explanation for that scripture and I don't know which way is correct. I personally don't think it matters. My point is, you can't prove it is one way or the other. You have not proven the immortal soul with this scripture.
I think this scripture is of immense importance, because it can totally blow the WTS doctrine about "soul-sleep" out of the water.
"Truly I tell you" ("I tell you the truth" in the NIV) was an expression regularly used by Jesus (I'm sure you know this). In the gospels, he's recorded as using this expression like 60 or 70 times.
Follow this link to see these references and notice that in each and every case the expression is immediately followed by a comma (and once by a colon I think): http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?search=I+tell+you+the+truth&SearchType=AND&version=NIV&restrict=Gospels&StartRestrict=&EndRestrict=&language=english
This makes sense, because it was a way Jesus began sentences all the time. So knowing this, why in this one case would Jesus change the way he starts his sentences, adding the word "today"? It really makes no sense.
Not only that, but what does "truly I tell you today" even mean? Is it necessary to let the person being addressed know that he is being spoken to "today"? I mean, is there a chance the person will think he is being spoken to yesterday, or tomorrow?
And what about all the other times Jesus used this introduction? Why did he not let those persons know he was speaking to them "today"?
I'm not trying to convert you, just sharing something that I personally found interesting.
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
Thanks for posting.
I would think this issue of receiving public information would be relatively minor in comparision to the that the faithful & descreet slave class has been dead on in receiving holy spirit to be able to understand and decipher information to us.
I agree, the issue of "receiving public information" is relatively minor, at least in comparison to the Watchtower Society's commitment to "support the work of the United Nations [aka, scarlet beast]."
The rest of the letter makes for a good laugh, about the "faithful" and "discreet" slave being "dead on" in understanding and deciphering information (lol).
Thanks for the great post. Very informative (but not surprising).
good one.
just come across summat on a scientology investigation page and it mentioned the firephim that was signed in 1992 in strasborg .
just wondered if anyone knew anything about this?.
I posted some info earlier (another post) that certainly seemed to show the WTS was indeed a member of FIREPHIM.
Kent: Thanks. I will check out the CESNUR info at your site a bit later, plus do some web searches.